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Results for "submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book, main_practice: Forgiveness, for_children: n, latest_content: 1"
Amish Grace A soulful meditation by three scholars on the Amish practice of forgiveness and loving one's enemies.
The Book of Forgiving Wise counsel on four concrete steps we can take to walk the path of forgiveness.
A Little Book on Forgiveness A short and pensive examination of forgiveness.
Beyond Forgiveness A top-drawer collection of 15 essays on understanding and practicing atonement as an act that makes amends and repairs harm.
God's Tender Mercy A short but profoundly prophetic assessment of forgiveness and other essentials of the Christian path.
The Tao of Forgiveness A fascinating and fruitful exploration of forgiveness through Taoist and Zen stories, poems, questions, and exercises.
The Forgiveness Solution An impressive and multidimensional collection of exercises and practices to nurture forgiveness in us.
Forgiveness Probes the spiritual practice of forgiveness in creative, constructive, and illuminating ways.
The Power of Radical Forgiveness An unusual and unorthodox explanation of the power of radical forgiveness.
Forgiveness Examines different aspects of forgiveness in relationship to Jesus' teachings on love.